One way to simplify

I did not decorate my Christmas tree this year.  Well, technically I didn't.  The five kids did. And it was wonderful.  I remember hesitantly letting them decorate it last year, fearing that it wouldn't look perfect, I'm a little OCD.  It turned out alright though.  This year I embraced letting them decorate.  It's one way of me simplifying I guess.  I didn't have time to take a picture tonight, but I will have to post it sometime this weekend.  They did a fine job them kiddos.  Had a great time doing it too.  It really wasn't just about making my life easier, but about them making memories.  We had Michael Martin Murphy's Christmas music going, the kids laughing and having fun, and all of us were together.  So was it important that I decorate the tree myself and have ever ornament strategically placed? Nope...sure wasn't. Maybe one way to simplify is to not think everything has to be perfect. 

So, what else could I loosen up about?



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