Just Face IT

When you feel like your decision(s) or who you are are being questioned, how do you react?  Oh I use to get my feelings hurt, sulk up and hold it all inside.  Through life experiences I have learned to face these personal attacks when it is necessary (when it is with someone that means something to me) and to let it go if it comes from someone that doesn't add to my life to begin with. 

I use to be a people pleaser.  I never wanted to make anyone mad or upset with me and sometimes that was at the expense of my own self respect.  I HATED confrontation and I would ignore my feelings just to make it go away!  It was much easier to shove it under the rug and not deal with the truth. 

Then, one day the Lord spoke to my heart and said that the only person I needed to please was Him.  It was life-changing.  I now speak up for myself. I will address someone and calmly discuss how I feel and what I think about the situation.  I have found that it is better to face confrontation in a timely manner, rather than letting the situation fester and become poisonous to the relationship.  Holding all the negative thoughts inside just causes unrealistic notions and problems seem to become much bigger than they actually are.

My devotion yesterday confirmed what the Lord had been speaking to me. It seems like that happens a lot...The Lord confirming what He is trying to teach me.  HA!

If what is being said is true and I need to change, usually after careful thought and some huffing and puffing, I admit my fault, ask for forgiveness, and do better. 

If the problem you are facing stinks, deal with it now.  It may not be fun but it will keep the problem from getting out of hand, making it more difficult to deal with in the long-run. 

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