How do I simplify my life?

It seems that nothing is simple now days.  Why is that?  I want to simplify my life and I even have a sign hanging up in my classroom that simply says "Keep it Simple."  We have so many modern conveniences today, but have they really made our lives easier or just added to the stress of us thinking we need more...more...and more stuff?  I don't have the answer to my question, but I hope to get close some day. I dream sometimes of going back to the old days, when there were no phones, no electricity, no SUV's but just horses, people lived off of the land.  I wonder if it would be better?  Like I said, I don't have the answer to this question.  Why is simple so hard?


  1. I'm a new follower. I loved hearing the story of how you met. So sweet!!

  2. Awe, thank you Anita! Randal and I will be married a year this December 12th...I thank God for him every day. I am also following you :) Your website is precious...can't wait to look at it some more and get lots of tips.

  3. An amazing story indeed! I love to hear how things work out the way it has in your case! Wishing you the very best and look forward to following your blog!

  4. Thanks so much Rusty! Life is all about choices and I have made my fare share of bad ones, so it makes me thankful for the good ones :D I look forward to following your blog as well!



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