Our story continued

My husband ~ I Love Him
It is fitting with tomorrow being November 12th to discuss what happened a year ago on that same date.  I will jump right in.  Kim had set it up that myself and the boys would meet her and her husband and children, as well as Randal and his three kids at the camp.  We would have chili and hot dogs and let the kids play.  It would be an informal meeting.  I told Kim to give Randal my number and for him to call me sometime before that Friday night we were supposed to meet.  She talked to Randal, but he said he would just wait to talk to me at the camp.  I wasn't sure why he didn't want to call, but oh well I thought.  I prayed all week that if it was meant to be, first of all the kids would get along.  If the kids didn't get along it wouldn't work.

It was Friday, November 12th, 2010.  The boys and I loaded up that evening and headed to Cecil, Arkansas.  I did know somewhat where it was, because I had lived pretty close to there a few years before.  I had absolutely no idea what to expect though.  I remember Kim being beside the road on the four-wheeler and leading us up to the camp.  I also remember seeing the back-side of a man dressed in Wranglers with a cowboy hat on beside a pick-up truck.  I don't remember us talking much at first.  The kids were all running around.  The boys and I went into Kim and Greg's camper, while the men put together a scavenger hunt for the kids.

I had the best time sitting and talking to Kalli and watching all the kids interact.  I knew that night that I wanted to be in there lives, and I hadn't even talked to their dad yet.  Ha! As the night went on, Randal and I found ourselves sitting by the fire talking a foreign language, as Kim put it.  We were talking chickens.  He has chicken houses and I had been a part of a poultry operation before.   Before the boys and I left, I invited him to my parents Sunday school cookout at their house the next night.  He said yes and we were inseparable ever since.

We were engaged just a few weeks later.  Sunday, December 12th, 2010 we were married in our log home, by our fireplace, by my grandpa.  Our kids stood beside us and were given tokens of our dedication to them...girls were given a necklace and boys duck calls.  The girls probably would have liked a duck call better, now that I think about it.  It was one of the happiest days of my life.

I am stilled filled with joy every day, knowing I get to spend the rest of my life with a man that I have complete respect for and loves me for me.  Also, there is such a peace when you know you are right were you are supposed to be.


  1. Wow, that was about as fast of an engagement as I've ever heard. But, the Lord works in mysterious ways, it is true.
    Loved reading y'all's love story, I love it when folks rely on God for guidance in such things, after all, He is in control. :)

    I'm glad that I found your blog, I seriously can't wait to read more, and become 'friends'!! :)

  2. Rachel, I know girl. We met, got married and celebrated our first Christmas together as a family all in less than two months. HA HA! I can say that I have never been happier either.

    It really showed me that when I do seek his will that everything works out for the absolute best.

    I also feel like the Lord has brought you and I together to be friends. I am praying for you. I can only imagine how difficult things have been for you lately.

    My mom gave me a scripture this week that I think I need to share with you as well. I Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.



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