Part 2 of our love story: Crossroads

So I was at a crossroads.  I wasn't sure what direction I was supposed to go in my life.  Kim told me on November 10th "you better remember this date, it will be significant."  You need to make up your mind what direction you are going to go.  I went home that night and fell on my face beside my bed, hit my knees and prayed a prayer that I meant with all my heart.  I said Lord, not my will, but yours.  I am sick of trying to figure all this out myself and I need you to take over.  I knew the importance of prayer.  This wasn't the first time I had prayed.  I was raised in church all my life, but that doesn't mean I had it all figured out.  To be honest, I was always a bit rebellious.  This prayer that I prayed on November 10th however changed my life.  I meant what I said with every ounce in me.  Little did I know that He was about to rock my world.

That night I ended up going to my parents house and spending the night there. I had a dream that night that I died.  I could feel myself drifting away.  I took a slow deep breath and died in my dream.  It was a very peaceful experience, not scary at all.  So the next day I jump on the computer googling "what does dying in your dream mean?"  I either don't dream or I never remember my dreams for one thing, so it was a pretty big deal.  Anyways, when I read that it could symbolize a new beginning or your old self dying, it made complete sense.  I will let you know next time what happened on November 12, 2010.



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