Guy gifts 101

To me the hardest people to buy for are the guys in my family.  Trying to figure out something that they don't already have is always a challenge.  This year I put more thought into their gifts and wanted to share...hoping it will spark an idea in someone else struggling to find their dude(s) that perfect gift.  Here it goes:

First, think about your guy's favorite past-time or hobby.  My dad and brother are duck and geese hunters. My husband  is a horse enthusiast.  Their hobbies inspired these suggestion:  (I give examples that pertain to my guys, use them to inspire the perfect gift for your guys)

1.  DVDs - hunting videos, horse training, Dirty Jobs (my son's favorite); the idea is to think of something they would not buy for themselves, but would enjoy

2.  Book - my husband would appreciate a book on the history of bits and spurs

3.  Magazine subscription - such a nice gift that they can receive year round

4.  Cookbook - campfire cookbook, wild game cookbook, grilling, dutch oven cooking, etc; I found a cookbook specifically for duck and geese at Amazon.

5.  Music Cd - I am still old school and like the good ole hard copy, but I guess a gift card for iTunes would also work.

Conquer the challenge and find the guy on your Christmas list the perfect gift by getting them something thoughtful and personable.

Another idea for the grandpa or dad in your family is a custom calendar of their grandchildren or grandchild.  Shutterfly is easy to use and has an array of designs to choose from.

Now go find that perfect gift! (almost all of my guy gifts were purchased from the comfort of my home)

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