Choosing to be flexible

One thing I have learned living on a farm is you better be flexible.  I'm not talking about doing the splits here.  I am talking about situations are going to come up that make you want to scream, cry, and hit something and you better believe it will happen at the worst possible time. If you are on a tight schedule, there will probably be a flat tire to change, a feed line or hopper that needs
attending to at the chicken house, or a calf is out of the fence.  Well you may not have those particular things to deal with but you know what I mean...something annoying will happen that puts a dent in your nice plan! 

Being realistic and realizing that things WILL happen, makes you flexible. You know ahead of time that something might come up so take a deep breath and be patient.  I am telling myself this as I am typing this post.  I just spilled my yummy frappaccino all over my books and desk!  You know what, it's really not that big of a deal.  I can just clean it up and move on.  

On our horse website I state the definition of being flexible.  I am finding more and more each day that being flexible is key to living a peaceful and productive life.  I have read many articles on lately how businesses that are flexible in our tough economy and are willing to adapt to changes are the businesses that experience success. Who knows what lesson(s) can be learned if we apply flexibility to our daily lives.  So take a deep breath and be ready for anything. The other choice would be to get upset, take it as a sign it's going to be a bad day and sulk!  Nah, who has time for that and who says there has to be the unexpected?

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