Beef soup

After tweaking this recipe for a few years, I finally found a combination of ingredients that I like.  It is all about flavor.  There are a couple key ingredients that make this soup tasty, the others can be exchanged depending on your preference.  ( * are the must haves)

*2 cans minestrone soup

*1 can Mexican Lime Ro-tel

1 to 2 lbs of browned hamburger meat

*1 can Diced Tomatoes (garlic flavored)

1 large can of tomato sauce

1 small can of tomato sauce

1 small can of water (use can from tomato sauce)

Place all ingredients in a pot.  Heat on the stove until desired temperature.  Spoon into bowls, add grated cheese on top, a few crackers on the side and wa~la.

My husband and in-laws seemed to really enjoy this meal.  I think it would also be yummy with cornbread.

1 comment:

  1. I hate how the front layers of my hair are super curly & the rest are like wavy/straight



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